Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Lying Women Bureaucrats

Ever notice how the women who work in any office are willing to lie for their superior (usually a man)?  It's really annoying how persistent this phenomenon is.  From legal secretaries to clerks for judges, these office bitches are so inconsiderate of their own dignity they are willing to lie just because they think it secures their paycheck for another week and their pension another year.  Time for judges to be able to fire these blood-sucking bureaucrats.  One less pension to pay.  

Office flunkies are ignorant of any type of loyalty except that which must be paid to the almighty dollar, truth be damned.  Office flunkies tell the attorney is on vacation til next week, the next office flunkie you talk to says he'll be in this afternoon.  They instinctively lie because even when their boss hasn't done anything wrong, they don't know he hasn't.  They just assume he has and cover his ass.

The honest man is not happy with a naked scramble for comfort and resources.  Some people are not willing to do certain things that are immoral just for a profit, and it is the duty and right of honest men to see these liars punished as far as it is in our power.  

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