Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Hon. Elmer Fudd, JP 2, Grimes County

 If you get lost wandering where the banjo music is coming from, you may end up here at Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Grimes County.  They don't want you to find it, because there's no signs telling you this judge is sitting in the building where the jail also is.

So much for open courts.  They have to buzz you in.  And the Judge holds hearings in secret in his chambers.  How are members of the public supposed to be able to see what's going on?  

Elmer Fudd doesn't care.  Look at him in this pretentious smoking jacket.  Yes, smoking jacket.  Apparently this expensive garment is no concern to a man on a JP salary in a rural butt fuck county.  

Speaking of that, you don't have to get all the way into the jail for a good fuckin' in the butt, cause this guy will give it to you if you have a case.  He must've spent all his time studying up cigars instead of law.  I tell people we have judges in Texas with no law degree, they think I'm joking.  Does this look like a joke?

Elmer Fudd flanked by some confused deer he shot while hunting wabbits.

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